2019 Trek Checkpoint SL 6

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Professional Reviews

For pedaling hard with speed and purpose on dirt that isn’t very technical, the Checkpoint is as impressive a carbon bike as I’ve been on. We received the bike right before this year’s edition of D2R2, one of the OG dirt randonées in New England (and highly recommended, incidentally). The 180k loop traverses the most scenic rolling dirt roads of Western Massachusetts and Southern Vermont. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this kind of course as the very first ride on an untested bike, but the Checkpoint was brilliant. There are only a few sections of Class IV road that tend slightly in the direction of mountain bikes, and even these were well within the Trek’s comfort window. For pedaling over a hundred miles on dirt while trying to peg a bragging rights time, the Checkpoint is in its sweet spot. More broadly, if a training program and intervals and Strava and mixed terrain fast group rides are your style, you will very likely like this bike.

Joe Cruz, Bikepacking
Please note the specific model reviewed may be different.